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Circuit board (PCB) commonly used heat dissipation design generally has a high density set of heat sinks, metal-based circuit boards or circuit boards welded to the surface of the metal substrate, etc.
A main pcb is a printed circuit board that contains the basic components required for a device to function
A circuit board fuse is a common component used in electronic products for fuse protection and it can against overcurrent short circuit, protects circuit board from damage or fire.
Ceramic pcb board is also called ceramic substrate, ceramic circuit board, ceramic copper clad board
Soldermask thickness is a core parameter that affects PCB electrical performance (such as impedance stability, high-frequency signal integrity), mechanical reliability (peel strength, flexibility) and welding quality (pad wettability).
Weather radar PCB is a very important part of any radar system because it is responsible for sending and receiving data, processing data, analyzing data and giving results.
Simply put, a flexible printed circuit board, or flex PCB for short, refers to an electronic circuit board that can be bent, flexed or folded.
There are two elements of this term that you need to understand, which are: epoxy resin and printed circuit board Epoxy resin is the raw material of copper clad laminate.
The pcb schematics is the first step in the entire circuit board design
Before circuit cards are assembled, they are boards, however, the PCB manufacturing process involves many different steps.